Thursday, October 17, 2019


Currently studying the third year of my career, the only thing I think, and I want is to leave after university and hold me. First to work on what I like and second to free myself from academic stress.

The truth is that I have not thought about doing postgraduate courses because my plan is to finish studying, work a little to pay for the trips I’ll have, I want to know the world and enjoy the good life. But in case I’m given the opportunity to take a course, I would like to deepen the areas that I liked while I was in undergraduate, I haven’t yet me them all, but so far, the pharmacology part catches my attention.

I haven’t researched much as to what postgraduate (master or doctorate) but if any subject will be, it’s pharmacology because it’s a great world to explore, the dynamics of finding after many attempts the perfect therapeutic target for a certain pathology, and then synthesizing the drug to act specifically there is very interesting.

I have always thought that studying exchange would be a wonderful experience, I would like to do a postgraduate abroad, where I can learn new languages and cultures, be a pleasant and non-stressful environment, in some recognized university of the place.

A part-time postgraduate because I learned that each one has a learning rhythm and that nothing and nobody rushes you to achieve your goals and according to studies of the countries witch the best education in the world a good professional isn’t the one who kills by studying everything day, if not someone who learns both academically and socially and psychologically.

Thanks for reading me.        


Hi again, I hope you are well. Today I will talk about my future job as pharmaceutical chemistry.

In my career as a professional I can choose a wide variety of work fields, these are in pharmacy, hospital (like pharmacovigilance and in pharmacy), laboratories (of drugs or cosmetics) among others.

Generally, the job of a pharmacist is totally indoor, but obviously if they give me the opportunity to go to work to other places far from where I live (abroad or another region), I am happy to go. However, if the workplace in my city takes me hours to arrive, I would not like it, I also want to live a life attached to work, do things that I like, take care of my pets.

About the salary like pharmaceutical I don’t know clearly, I know that the first months is not much, but then over time there is nothing wrong. However, my greatest aspiration is to do a good job with a vocation.   

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Personally, it catches my attention pharmacovigilance because it is a much more interactive specialty with the patient, treatments are tried, and more intimate follow-ups are done to see if any adverse effect appears in the drug that is administered. And something tells me that it is not just sitting in an office as it is in the work of a chain pharmacy.

That’s all thanks for reading.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog, today I will talk about the sports I enjoy.
When I was in school in physical education I met many sports among them baseball, basketball, handball, football, tennis, tablet tennis, volleyball. 

I enjoyed playing football and tablet tennis at recess but I must choose one so… I will talk about football. 

The rules of football are well known since it is the sport that moves the population the most today, either playing it or supporting it as a fan. However there are many ways to play football like baby football in which five against five are played, seven player football and eleven player football that is the best known and is broadcast on television. In all these objectives is to make a goal in the opposing arc. 

Today I play women's football for the selection of my faculty (faculty of chemical sciences of the University of Chile) in this case we are seven playing on the court. The match lasts a total of one hour, twenty-five minutes per side and ten halftime.

I like this sport because it helps me to cope with the academic load and the most important thing is that it teaches me to work as a team.

And well this is my blog, thanks for reading me. 


Movies or series a choice very difficult for me, I love movies or series of Adventure, science fiction, horror, set in another era.  I could talk since Avengers until Game of Thrones, but I will talk about a movie: Interstellar.  

Totally science fiction, Interstellar is recommended for people who love the Physic and all conspiracy theories about blacks holes. 

Is an epic movie released in 2014 directed by  Christopher Nolan inspired by the work of the theoretical physicist Kip Thorne. 

The plot of the movie focuses on Cooper, a scientist who directs a team of astronauts who travels through a wormhole mysteriously found near Saturn 48 years earlier, opening a path to a distant galaxy with some potentially habitable planets, a opportunity because the conditions in our planet  were increasingly precarious.

Cooper's crew is made up of scientists Romilly, Doyle and Brand's daughter (Amelia); and the TARS and CASE robots, an "Endurance" board. 

I like this movie because it is a way to put into practice some laws of physics taught in both college and university. And it's also my frustrated dream of being an astronaut.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


My holidays in 2014 until today I don´t forget, it was the first time traveling without my parents and with my sister Rosita and friends, in January we went to the central coast near Canelo beach, I don’t remember how long time it was but little more than a week.

We went to see some nearby beaches, showcase craft fairs, take a lot of pictures, eat a lot and laugh out loud.

Also, in the same year finally with my whole family went to de south of Chile, the first time we were all together. In my family we were seven, my parents three sisters and my niece (in past because over time members joined).  

Specifically, in the city of Los Angeles the rural area, we went to some hot springs (forget the name), met the Antuco volcano and we toured all the land near the place where we stayed.
What I most remember is that we share and laugh a lot, this is what makes one of the best vacations I've had, my memories are happy and full of love.

Monday, September 9, 2019


Hi everybody! Today I will talk about a country I’d like to visit.

Always called my attention the Europe’s countries because I think that is very interesting the history about these places, specially by its antiquity the civilizations of millions of years ago that left their footprint today.
For choose one I will not center only on the wonderful places that it owns but in the country development.
I know about Finland that it is the happies country in the world also there is a welfare state, as well as a highly democratic policy with extremely low levels of corruption. And the most important for me its quality education system.

Resultado de imagen para Laponia
In the first instance I would like to know its beautiful places like Lapland in the city of Rovaniemi because it’s like the north pole of Santa Claus, a girl’s dream.
After I would like to know the idiom, cultures for to later be able to live there, finish my studies and make my life.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Evaluation of my blogging experience

I think this semester was a challenge for every one of us but the blog experience was a good opportunity to forget the stress of the university and can share your opinion.

When I was in the high school, my English teacher always said “Ok, this year we have to try to talk in English” but that it was never true. Here that experience was completely different because for say our point of view, you necessary had to talk in English. That was a challenge for me because I’ve never be a good English speaker so you will understand that it was difficult for me.

About the blog experience, it was really interesting because I had the possibility to know about the personal life of my classmates and their opinion about different topics. When we’re start, I thought that do a blog will be really boring but I really enjoyed each one of the blog. I think the topics of the blog were very diverse and liked the majority of my classmates. My absolutely favorite blog was the “Favorite series/TV shows” because I laughed so much doing it but it was really hard to choose some of the hundred series that I watched.

Definitely writing in a language that I don’t handle is really hard but I always felt supported by the teacher and if I made a mistake it doesn’t matter because we are here for learning and try to do the best.

I always have the same blog partner and I really feel comfortable with her.