Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Torres del Paine

Hi everyone! Is time to talking about a place I’d like visit and this decision is so difficult because are a lot. Between the most important for me are in my country, Chile is very beautiful and I would love to know it completely.
So one of them is Torres del Paine is like a magic place, one of the most important National Park in Chile and a place choose like the fifth most beautiful of the world, also it have a protected wild area.
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Interest me because exist just one way to get to the park, according to my friends who had gone
their trip lasted for days and it was very exhausting, but this is was worth it totally. They couldn’t explain me in words the beautiful places that they knew there.
As I like the sports that include trekking and also I love the south of the Chile I am ready to live the extreme experience and motivated.
Well guys I share a little most about me, I hope you liked it.
See you!

Friday, June 14, 2019

A Photograph

This photo is very important for me and my family, I’m sure that whoever has more photos is it. That little puppy it’s my pet, it’s a girl (its pink collar proves it). 
It was taken for my sister at the end of October 2016 and we had only two weeks with that little puppy. Here it was very happy playing in the field, chasing the sheep. 

On that date we had to travel south to my uncle’s house in Los Angeles and as our little was very sick when we adopted its, we took its with us because it was on medication and couldn’t stay home alone.
I really like this photo because it was a first time I was traveling with a pet and it was very funny, with my sisters we could sleep with its and we took it everywhere. 
Although it was sick, it just wanted to play, and the good thing is that it improved and has been with us for almost 3 years. 
This photograph allows me to remember the whole process since we adopted it and it makes me feel proud. 
And this is all. 
See you! 

Game of thrones

Today I will write about something that I love it. Game of Thrones is the best series that you must see. Its last season was transmitted in May and since then I don’t know what to do with my life, I feel empty.
The plot of the series is set in medieval times where there’s a constant fight for iron throne between different houses or “cities”, to this are added a threat that comes from a places unexplored by the population which would wipe out all of them if it could. One of the most important houses is the Stark, Lannister and Targaryen (my favorites characters is Arya Stark and Jon Snow). 

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It created by David Benioff and Daniel Brett for HBO, inspirited in A Song of Ice and Fire the George Martin’s series of fantasy novels. 
Well, I like it because of its medieval plot and in every episode it becomes more exciting, it’s one of those series that come out of cliché schemes.

Monday, June 3, 2019

My super notebook

  Hi everyone! Today I will talk about  my favourite piece of technology. Well I am a few indecisive, so I had choise my notebook.
To be honest, for me isn't very important the technology because the materials will not forever, but in this case my notebook have a valued for me, because I got it after to into the university by my own means.
Usually I use it for study or in my free times, but I haven’t it, when I have it I watching series and movies.
For the university in my notebook I look information, tutorials videos, online books, I can do my homeworks and other things.
When I more use it in the weekend because the other days I don’t have time.
My notebook I like me because is multifunctional, I can enjoy and study in the same piece, also because is transportable and have ideal size.
Without it I will to have to study since books of the university library and enjoy with other things. Although for me this isn’t important, I can get used to it.

Why did I choose this career?

My dream of child always it was be astronaut, it’s so amazing everything related to the universe, galaxies, planets, the space.
However I had to be more realist, its difficulty and low employability they made me reconsider that it’s will stake like a dream.   
I had two years for choose a career, first I wanted to be a Chemical engineer but in the PSU I didn’t have the mark necessary and I did a pre-university in this year. Then in the same year I was change the option because didn’t like to me its study program and I didn’t know what to do. Until to appear Chemistry and Pharmacy and I loved it.

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At the moment to apply I was put this career in the University of Chile, also Environmental Chemical in the same university and Medical Technology (only interested to me but didn’t be passionate it).
I entry a Chemistry and Pharmacy and my experience until today is amazing, I like to me everyday more. I will like working in Industry or in Pharmacovigilance.